PM discusses Punjab’s political situation with Zardari

LAHORE: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and co-chairman Pakistan Peoples Party Asif Ali Zardari held a telephonic conversation on Sunday.
According to details, both bigwigs talked over the current political predicament of Punjab while the issue of the expected vote of confidence of chief minister Pervaiz Elahi was also discussed.
Earlier, members of the Punjab Assembly (MPAs) Chaudhary Ashraf Ali Ansari and Malik Ghulam Qasim Hunjra on Sunday separately called on Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif.
The ongoing political crisis in Punjab has led to parties gathering their workers and in this regard both MPAs came to the Prime Minister s office.
There is an expectd vote of confidence to be taken by the Punjab chief minister and the PML-N leader is meeting its party members to give the tough time to the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Pakistan MuslIm League ( Quadi ).
“During the meetings, the political situation in Punjab province was discussed,” PM Office Media Wing said in a press release.
.Meanwhile, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan claimed on Sunday that the establishment asked three lawmakers from his party to remain neutral in the matter of Punjab Chief Minister Parvez Elahi’s vote of confidence.
Speaking to journalists, Mr Khan claimed that General Bajwa hired Hussain Haqqani in America for lobbying, and that Donald Lu was taught a lesson from Pakistan.He further said that Hussain Haqqani continued to campaign against him and promote General Bajwa. Mr Khan said that the Trump administration gave him a historic welcome during his visit to the United States as Prime Minister.
Speaking on his last meeting with Qamar Javed Bajwa, Mr. Khan said, “General (Retd) Bajwa called me a playboy, and I replied yes, I am being a playboy. Qamar was stabbing him in the back and sympathizing with our 3 members of the Punjab Assembly”. Mr Khan claimed the setup of General (Retd) Bajwa was still working in the establishment. He also claimed that the MQM’s various factions are coming together in Karachi, and that the BAP is joining the Pakistan People’s Party.
Mr Khan slammed Najam Sethi, saying he didn t even know the basics of cricket, and that the PCB s constitution was changed to accommodate Sethi’s appointment.
On the other hand, PTI Chairman and former prime minister Imran Khan has said he is hoped the party will win 2023 elections despite disappointing [political] situation of the country.
“The country reign was handed over to criminals after dethroning the best performing government [of the PTI] through a conspiracy,” he said in a tweet on the eve of the New Year.
“Year 2022: it was the best of times and it was the worst of times. A govt with one of the best econ performances was removed through a conspiracy triggered by supreme self-interest and Pakistan was handed over to a bunch of criminals. They ran economy to the ground and gave themselves NRO-2,” Khan said in the tweet.
The PTI stalwart said a massive public support helped the PTI win 75 per cent of by-elections and that the party established itself as a truly national party.
“Despite the gloom right now, especially of a possible default, I have faith in Almighty Allah and confidence in our people that without any doubt in 2023 through elections the PTI will form strong govvernment and bring about substantive structural reforms to get Pakistan out of the crisis the imported government and its backers have plunged the country into.” –Agencies