PM emphasizes on 10b trees farming

-Says Pakistan not at fault but most at risk due to Climate Change

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan has emphasized on achieving the tree plantation target under 10 Billion Tree Tsunami Program to protect country’s environmental future.
He was addressing a special event on Green Financing Innovations in the country, organized by Ministry of Climate Change in connection with World Environment Day in Islamabad on Thursday.
He said Pakistan was among the countries most at risk due to climate change even though it contributed less than one percent to global carbon emissions.
Underlining the importance of environmental protection for a better future of the next generations, he called for establishing national parks and promoting urban forestry.
The Prime Minister said it is welcoming that people have started developing awareness about tree plantation, and school children are also taking part in the campaign. He said every citizen should contribute to making the country green.
Imran Khan said it is encouraging that mangrove cover has been expanding in Pakistan for the last 20 years. He stressed on the need for using new techniques adopted by China to raise forests in the country.
Imran Khan said that Pakistan contributes to global carbon emission less than one per cent; however, it is one of the most vulnerable countries in respect of global warming effects due to glacier melting. He further said that the world started giving attention to climate change issue about twenty years ago and it is now realizing gravity of the situation. He said Pakistan will take the lead in the global efforts for environmental protection.
On the occasion, a joint statement was signed to initiate dialogue with the United Kingdom, Germany and Canada for Pakistan s first Nature Bond, and the possibility of a “Debt for Nature” Swap.
World Bank s study on “Blue Carbon” was also presented which, for the first time, gives an economic value to the country s unvalued marine wealth including Pakistan s mangroves and seagrasses. An MoU with China s Elion group was also signed for piloting green ecological zones in Pakistan.