PM opens Kisan Portal to incentivize small farmers

-Says serving Farmer community is a service to Pakistan
-Directs strict legislation against Sugar hoarders, profiteers
-Deliberates Agriculture Transformation Plan
-Terms youth’s character building inevitable to protect against moral evils

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday launched the Kisan Portal, a special category for farmers in the Pakistan Citizen Portal, saying it would give a voice to small farmers who were “voiceless” in front of powerful people.
Addressing the launch ceremony in Islamabad, he noted that 90 per cent of farmers had small landholdings but their problems never reached those in power. “He works hard and has no voice in front of the powerful. If a corrupt policeman comes in the area, the farmer suffers the most.”
Talking about the situation of farmers in the country, the premier said that all research pointed to how small farmers paid the highest prices when buying something from the market but sold their crop for the lowest price compared to bigger farmers.
“The farmer used to work hard and take his sugarcane to sugar mills. He would be defeated from both sides, first they (sugar mills) made farmers wait in long lines. When I travelled in winter, trucks used to be queued outside sugar mills and they would get low prices,” he recalled.
The premier said he wanted to continuously help farmers and had decided to get them the full price for their crop when he came into power. As a result of the government’s efforts, productivity had increased after farmers got the money they deserved, he noted, adding that the government needed to help farmers a lot more.
The premier rued that Pakistan had reduced its research spending in the past, pointing out that countries that had invested in research saw increased agricultural productivity. “As long as you don’t do research, participate in seed development, how will your productivity increase?” he questioned.
“I am most unhappy that we have so many cows but we have to import dry milk. And we have never tried […] it is very easy to increase the yield of our cows. Milk production of cows in Europe is six times more than ours.”
Prime Minister Imran also lamented that the country did not work on building reservoirs and dams in the past, which could have helped farmers get more water, adding that there was a lot of uncultivated land in Pakistan which could be utilised.
“We have a lot of land [lying free]. But because we didn’t have water and never thought of it big dams are being built after 50 years. We are building dams and you will see we will give more [water] to farmers. It can also stop the destruction from floods.”
Detailing the steps the government was taking to help farmers, he said the government had introduced the Kisan Card to provide direct subsidy to farmers. Now a small farmer would get money directly through the Kisan Card, he shared. “If we want to subsidise urea or pesticides or to help if some disaster comes, money will come directly through the card.”
Farmers also needed insurance, he pointed out, saying that banks would be more willing to give loans if the farmers’ crops were insured.
The Sehat Insaf Card, through which every family would be able to get treatment of up to Rs1 million at any hospital, would also help farmers, the premier said.”Our effort is to increase our productivity and [cultivated] areas,” the prime minister said. “Our import bill increased 53 per cent in one year. The pressure on the rupee increased because we imported 4m tonnes of wheat, we imported sugar and pulses and the [price of imported] palm oil nearly doubled.”
The government was focusing on growing these products in Pakistan to counter inflation through import, he said.
“The cultivation of olives is also a revolution in Pakistan. Especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, so many olive trees have been planted that Pakistan will export them in the future. God has given this country everything. We just have to use our minds, do research, get new techniques for farmers,” he said, adding that the government was working on a programme for training farmers.
Prime Minister Imran said that the agriculture sector was also made a part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Pakistan was taking help from China to increase agricultural productivity.
“We have been continuing the same practices in Pakistan that existed in Mohenjo-Daro,” he regretted.
“The most expensive and nutritious vegetable, Avocado, is being sold for Rs600-700 per piece here. Its tree starts giving fruit in 4-5 years.
We have a lot of land for [planting avocado trees]. We have to [grow] new things as our population increases.” Elaborating on how the Kisan Portal will work, the prime minister said that calls from farmers will go directly to the chief secretary’s office.
According to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), 123 dashboards have been set up in the relevant institutions at the federal and provincial level. “We will ensure through this portal that small farmers are not oppressed in any form,” the prime minister stressed.
He urged farmers to “think that this government is yours. We will get you full price and will help you in every way.”
“When we help our farmers, we will help Pakistan,” he added.Separately, Prime Minister chaired a review meeting on sale price and hoarding of sugar wherein he directed the authorities concerned to make strict legislation against sugar hoarders and profiteers.
The prime minister also called for ensuring implementation of track and trace system of sugar mills to ascertain the production volume of the commodity.
The state would take strict action against the profiteers who were the enemies of the poor masses, he remarked.
Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar, PM’s Advisor on Accountability Mirza Shahzad Akbar, Special Assistant to PM Dr Shahbaz Gill and senior officers attended the event. Punjab Industries Minister Mian Aslam Iqbal and Punjab Chief Secretary joined through video link. The Punjab chief secretary told the meeting that all district administration had been directed to monitor the implementation of fixed sugar sale price.
Moreover, the process of legislation against the hoarders and profiteers was also in progress, he said. Moreover, the CCTV cameras had also been installed at the sugar mills to examine the quantity of sugarcane and sugar production. Besides, the data would also be obtained from sugar mills on daily basis during the crushing season.
Besides, Punjab Minister for Agriculture Hussain Jahanian Gardezi called on PMhere wherein they discussed the positive impacts of the Agriculture Transformation Plan.During the meeting, they also deliberated over the positive outcomes of Kisan Card and measures being taken by Punjab government for agricultural development.
The matters pertaining to the parliamentarian’s constituency and ongoing development projects were also discussed.
Member of National Assembly Ghaus Bakhsh Mahr also called on the prime minister separately and discussed Sindh’s political situation and development projects.MNA Aurangzaib Khan Khichi also met the prime minister and discussed the affairs of constituency and development works. Special Assistant to PM on Political Affairs Malik Amir Dogar also attended the said meetings.
Meanwhile, Senator Waleed Iqbal also called on the prime minister and discussed the overall political situation particularly that of Lahore.
Meanwhile, Mr. Khan said that in order to save the youth from the moral evils, it was inevitable to build their character in the light of the golden principles of Holy Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) life.
The prime minister, in a meeting with renowned religious scholar Dr. Sahibzada Sajid-ur-Rehman, said that in today’s age of internet and social media, the young generation was getting involved in the evils like sex crimes and drugs.
He said this year, the 12 Rabi-ul-Awal would be celebrated in the country with full religious zeal and zest.
He said while celebrating Eid Miladun Nabi (SAW), full attention should be paid to educate young generation on the golden principles of state of Madinah and Seerat-e-Tayyaba.
The prime minister said that the Holy Prophet (SAW) laid the foundation of the state of Madinah on the principles of justice, welfare of the weaker segments of society and meritocracy. The Holy Prophet (SAW) also paid special attention to the character building of the people, he added.
The prime minister said in order to achieve the objective of youth’s character building, the government had set up Rehmatullil Aalamin Authority comprising renowned Muslim scholars on Seerat-e-Tayyaba.
“This authority will conduct research and tell the youth what were the factors which led the Muslims to rule over 150,000 square kilometers of land in a short span of thirteen years (623-636) overpowering the great Roman and Persian empires.” Minister for Religious Affairs Pir Noor-ul-Haq Qadri was also present in the meeting