PM orders crackdown on Wheat hoarders, reviews K-Electric issue

-Says to ensure availability of wheat flour at reasonable rates across the country
-Directs the provincial chief secretaries to continue the policy of zero-tolerance against adulteration
-Says will review K-Electric matter on regular basis, got briefing on power improvement in megapolis

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: In an effort to ensure availability of wheat flour at reasonable rates across the country, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday ordered a massive crackdown on hoarders.
Presiding over a high-level meeting to review the wheat and flour supply situation in the country, PM Imran ordered to launch crackdown against elements involved in wheat hoarding across the country.
He directed the provincial chief secretaries to continue the policy of zero-tolerance against adulteration and not to make any concessions in this regard.
The prime minister ordered to ensure complete prevention of wheat smuggling. He directed that comprehensive administrative measures should be taken to further improve inter-provincial coordination.
He asked the Sindh chief secretary to finalize the wheat release policy in the province as soon as possible keeping in view the experience of the last year. The PM directed that the plan for implementation of the decision to import wheat to meet the future needs of wheat and flour be finalized as soon as possible.
Earlier on July 6, Prime Minister Imran Khan had directed the authorities to ensure availability of wheat at reasonable price across the country.
Presiding over a high-level meeting, PM Imran had directed to ensure wheat’s obstacle free inter-province movement and had added that unhindered availability of the commodity was the top priority of the government.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday chaired a meeting of the federal cabinet on Tuesday and decided to review the matter of K-Electric on regular basis.
The prime minister will review the K-Electric matter with a gap of every two days on a regular basis and would be briefed on improvement in the power situation in the megapolis.
The cabinet referred the matter to the sub-committee on energy affairs for further deliberations.
During the cabinet meeting, Railways Minister Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed demanded to open hotels and markets and said that there were 5000 hotels, whose closure is badly affecting the poor segments of the society.
“Eid is nearing, therefore, hotels should be allowed to operate under devised SOPs,” asked the railways minister.
The prime minister handed over the matter to the federal minister Asad Umar, who is also heading the NCOC meetings, to review and decide on it.
A separate briefing on the JIT of Lyari gang war kingpin Uzair Baloch to the federal cabinet meeting was also given by Federal Minister for Ports and Shipping Ali Zaidi during a zero-hour session, only attended by federal ministers.
According to sources, Prime Minister Imran Khan supported Ali Zaidi over his stance on the JIT report and directed the cabinet members to extend complete support to him.
“He should be supported to reveal facts before the masses,” the prime minister was quoted as saying.
Earlier, Chairing a meeting of the federal cabinet, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday issued directives for strict implementation of the government-defined standard operating procedures (SOPs) for cattle markets to curb spread of coronavirus during Eidul Azha.
The cabinet that met with Premier Khan in the chair took stock of the country’s overall political and economic situation. It also deliberated upon the SOPs to mitigate the risk of a possible spike in Covid-19 cases during the upcoming Eid.
The federal cabinet expressed satisfaction over a drop in the number of coronavirus cases in the country.
Well-placed sources quoted members of the cabinet as saying that the coronavirus has not yet been eliminated completely and stressed the need for strict adherence to precautions to keep the virus at bay.
The premier called for citizens to be careful on the occasion of Eidul Azha to avoid virus spread.
The cabinet also took up the issue of unannounced load shedding by K-Electric in Karachi and referred the matter to the cabinet’s energy committee. Prime Minister Khan will preside over a meeting to get a briefing on the issue after two days.
Railways Minister Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed demanded that hotels be allowed to reopen under the SOPs, stating that they are a source of livelihood for the have-nots who have been suffering due to their closure.
The prime minister tasked Federal Planning and Development Minister Asad Umar to make a decision on reopening of hotels.
Lyari gang war leader Uzair Baloch’s JIT also came under discussion during the meeting when Minister for Maritime Affairs Ali Zaidi gave a briefing to the cabinet in this regard.
Moreover, Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that Pakistan continues to stand by Turkey and was taking all possible steps to support Turkey’s efforts to address the threat posed by Fethullah Gulen Terrorist Organization (FETO).