PM pledges for economic uplift of Tribal districts

MIRANSHAH: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif met tribal elders here in North Waziristan on Thursday and spent time with them. Tribal elders welcomed the Prime Minister and thanked him for his first visit to the area which spoke of his focus and concern for tribal districts. The Prime Minister thanked tribal elders for their all out support in war against terrorism for a peaceful and stable Pakistan.
He assured the tribal elders that his government will do all to bring comfort in local populace and ensure socio economic development as dividends of the fight against terrorism.
“The people of tribal districts have rendered great sacrifices and we owe them a lot. We will not let their sacrifices go waste. Our priority will be to ensure civic facilities for local community at par with rest of Pakistan,” he added.
Tribal elders assured the Prime Minister of their complete support for peace, stability and prosperity of Pakistan. –Agencies