PMA urges to review decision on prayer congregations

By Ali Imran

Islamabad: Doctors of the Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) on Thursday urged the government and state institutions particularly the chief justice of Pakistan, who has taken a suo motu notice regarding measures taken to curb the pandemic to review its recent decision taken in consultation with ulema to allow congregational prayers in mosques.
Stressing the importance of taking strict measures to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, PMA President Dr Ashraf Nizami who was speaking alongside other senior doctors from the body at a presser in Lahore urged authorities “not to push the country into a test it is not prepared for”.
“The rule they have made that there should be a six feet distance between worshippers; practically it’s not possible. We appeal the government to review its decision and establish writ of the state.” Pointing towards the restrictions in place in Islam’s holiest sites, Dr Nizami said: “Our qibla is Kaaba and Masjid-i-Nabwi is most important for us. If there are rules being implemented there and our religious scholars have also said that Taraweeh and prayers should not be offered in mosques.
“Your (government’s) imprudent steps will not be good for us,” he said, calling upon the country’s leadership to exercise the “writ of the government”.
“The decisions made by governments of Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia as Muslim countries should also be adopted by Pakistan.