POA Chief sees Beijing 2022 to be event par excellence

ISLAMABAD: President of the Pakistan Olympic Association (POA) Syed Arif Hasan said here that China’s experience of holding the Beijing 2008 Olympics and its excellent organization capability will help make Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games an event par excellence.
In less than four months, Beijing will become the first city to host both Summer and Winter Olympics, which is “a great achievement,” he said in a recent media interview.
Hasan, who participated in the torch relay of Beijing 2008 in Pakistan and also led the Pakistani delegation to Beijing, said that the mega event was wonderfully organized by the Chinese people and the previous experience of the event gave him the confidence to say “the Winter Games will be a wonderful experience” for spectators and athletes from all around the world.
Hasan said that he “is really looking forward to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics” as he had a great experience in Beijing back in 2008.
“Beijing was giving such a festive look, especially the way Beijing utilized the great history of China, and showcased everything so beautifully…I witnessed the opening ceremony. I cannot express my feelings that how good it was. And that is why I said, we know that the organizing committee of the Winter Olympics will also have many surprises in store for us. We are really looking forward to them,” he said. Talking about the preparatory work including the test events of the Winter Olympics, he said that it is not easy to make all the preparations amid COVID-19, but the Winter Olympics is in “very safe hands and the way all the preparations are going on, everything is going on, I am sure, these will again be one of the best Games.” “I personally feel that as far as we’re concerned, we’ve got no concerns at all, because we’ve seen how everything is being organized. And I don’t think anyone should have any concerns…
I have no qualms in saying they will be very safe, and that all necessary precautions will be taken. And of course the rest of the people participating have to contribute towards maintaining the safety standards, to do our bit,” he added. –Agencies