Police personnel to get subsidized medical facilities

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: Capital Cops have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a private medical lab which would conduct medical tests of it’s personnel at concessional rates and a panel of doctors would also provide consultation to them.
IGP Islamabad Qazi Jamil ur Rehman has directed to ensure best medical facilities to the policemen of the force including families of martyred and deceased personnel. Following his directions, SSP Headquarters Irfan Tariq made efforts and signed an MoU with Manager Qaisar Iqbal of a Private Lab. Following this MoU, in-service policemen would get concession of 50 percent in medical tests through this lab while families of deceased and martyred personnel would get 80 percent concession. The medical facilities can be availed round the clock while a panel of doctors would be available for opinion on these medical tests.
The policemen or their families are requested to keep NIC, departmental card or evidence of affiliation with Islamabad police during the visit. The IGP Qazi Jamil ur Rehman said that such steps would increase the morale of the force.