Police-public liaison termed vital for progress

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: Capital Cops are committed to provide justice to people and to resolve public issues on priority basis. It was stated by SP Industrial Area Zubair Ahmad Sheikh in a meeting with members of Neighborhoodwatch Committees which was also attended by SDPOs and all SHOs.
As par directions of IGP Islamabad Muhammad Amir Zulfiqar khan , the meeting was held toenhance cooperation between police and public and devise effective strategy tocombat crime through mutual cooperation. Members of Conciliatory Committees specially attended themeeting and all were briefed about the working and progress of these Committeesso for. Co-ordination between Police Pairs and members is established formututal cooperation in order to curb the crimes. Issues of members werediscussed and future action plan is set. Members praised the initiative ofthese commiteess and said crime has reduced since constitution of thesecommitees. All members assured their full support in this noble cause.