Police rescue same dolphine twice in one day

BEIJING: A stranded dolphin was successfully rescued twice on Thursday by the north coast police station of Wanning public security bureau and the Blue Ribbon Ocean Conversation Association.
At around 7 o’clock on Thursday, the police station received a call asking for help. A dolphin was stranded in the sea area of Dahua Cape, Wanning, South China’s Hainan province. After the police arrived at the scene, they found that the dolphin had only a few scratches on its body, so they released it into the waters.
But surprisingly, at around noon, the police station received another call, learning that due to rough seas, the dolphin had been washed onto the beach. After careful inspection, the stranded dolphin was found to be in poor physical condition and had different degrees of injuries on its back and abdomen. The police immediately contacted professional rescue personnel.
While waiting for professionals, the police and the public used umbrellas and cloth to help the stranded dolphin block the sun, and consistently poured seawater over it to prevent the dolphin from dehydration and sunburn.
The dolphin is still under treatment, and it will take time to rehab before it can be released back to the sea, according to Pu Bingmei, secretary general of the association. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item