Political parties urged to add human trafficking in planks

From Abid Usman

LAHORE: The Sustainable Social Development Organization (SSDO) has penned down a letter, urging all political parties in Pakistan to incorporate a 14-point charter in their party manifestos to effectively combat trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants.
SSDO Executive Director Syed Kausar Abbas dispatched the letters to leaders of various political parties on December 1, including the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N), Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan (MQMP), Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI), Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q), Istehkam-e-Pakistan Party (IPP) and Balochistan National Party (BNP), among 54 other political entities.

The letter highlighted Pakistan’s standing as a transit and destination for Trafficking in Persons (TIP) and Smuggling of Migrants (SOM). It revealed that individuals are either abducted within the country or recruited for smuggling to other regions, leading to forced labour, sexual exploitation, coercion, and various forms of victimization.

The SSDO stated that despite the existence of laws such as the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons Act 2018 and the Prevention of Smuggling of Migrants Act 2018, the country faces complications in implementing a comprehensive legal framework as well as a national action plan. The executive director states that inadequate resources, procedural shortcomings, and misconduct contribute to the lack of effective enforcement.

To address these challenges, and fully implement the legal framework as well as the national action plan, he calls for determination, cooperation, and collaboration in the fight against the smuggling of migrants and the trafficking of persons.

The 14-point charter proposes measures such as a thorough review of anti-trafficking and anti-smuggling legislation, strengthening prosecution efforts against smugglers, enhancing the capacity and training of officers in implementing agencies, facilitating resources, inter-agency cooperation, addressing cross-border smuggling issues through collaboration with neighbouring countries.

It further suggests that working on public campaigns, educational programmes, continuity in support policies, establishing shelters for smuggling and trafficking victims, ensuring healthcare, creating employment opportunities, compiling data on smuggling and trafficking in persons, and establishing a national hot line and referral mechanism would also counter this prevailing ordeal.

The document maintains that the creation of a national referral mechanism, coupled with a concerted effort to combat trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants, is believed to be instrumental in curbing this illegal activity.

Abbas, in the letter, appeals to all political parties to include a dedicated chapter in their manifestos encompassing these 14 points, irrespective of their position in government or opposition, to enhance and refine these efforts through legislation.