Political solution in Ukraine stressed

BEIJING: President Xi Jinping has reiterated that the fundamental solution to the Ukraine crisis lies in promoting a new type of balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture, highlighting China’s readiness to play a positive role in advancing a political settlement of the protracted Russia-Ukraine conflict.
Xi made the remarks while meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Zhongnanhai leadership compound in Beijing on Thursday evening. Both leaders had in-depth exchanges on strategic issues of common concern.
Xi elaborated on China’s consistent position and efforts to promote the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis, saying that in dealing with any major issue, it is necessary to address both the symptoms and the root causes, and to plan for the present as well as for the long term.
China supports the convening of an international peace conference, recognized by both Russia and Ukraine, at an appropriate time with equal participation and fair discussion of all options, so as to push for an early political settlement of the Ukraine issue, he said, adding that the nation stands ready to continue to play a constructive role in this regard.
Putin briefed Xi about Russia’s position on the Ukraine crisis, and expressed appreciation for China’s objective, just and balanced position on the issue.
While welcoming China to continue to play an important and constructive role in the political settlement of the conflict, he said that Russia is committed to resolving the Ukraine issue through political negotiations, and is willing to demonstrate sincerity and maintain close communication with China in this regard.
Both presidents pledged that in the face of the evolving world landscape with volatility and turmoil, the two nations will work with countries of the Global South to jointly safeguard international fairness and justice, and promote world peace and common development. Putin concluded his two-day state visit to China on Friday. Before flying back to Moscow, he visited Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang province, where he attended the opening of the 8th China-Russia Expo, and also met with the students and faculty of the Harbin Institute of Technology.
Harbin was once home to many Russian expatriates and retains some of those historical ties in its architecture, such as the Saint Sophia Cathedral.
In a congratulatory letter sent to the 8th China-Russia Expo, Xi pointed out that with the joint efforts of both countries, China-Russia relations are solidly moving forward step by step, benefiting the people of both countries with tangible achievements in their cooperation.
Noting that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, Xi said that standing at a new historical starting point, the two countries’ relationship will embrace new historical opportunities and demonstrate even broader prospects for development. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item