Pollen Allergy: Prevention is Better Then Cure

Pollen is one of the most common triggers of seasonal allergies in every spring. Plants release fine yellowish powder to fertilize other plant of the same species.

These pollen grains travel from plant to plant by the wind. Normally human immune system defend the body against harmful invaders such as bacteria and viruses but these grains are being inhaled by mean of wind people get allergic.

In Pakistan, Islamabad has the largest pollen release plants and such plants are Paper mulberry, Acacia, Eucalyptus, Pine, Grasses, Cannabis, Dandelion and Alternaria.

From these Pollens estimated 97 percent come from Paper mulberry. The pollen count in Islamabad was at its highest peak in previous nine years.  As the spring tenure shortens in Islamabad and make it much less rainy pollen allergy problem are hit the roof.

According to district health officer approximately more than 130000 patients with pollen allergy symptoms get register this season at various health center of Islamabad. As compare to previous year, the total was 40000 to 50000.

Last month the pollen count in Islamabad was more than 82000 pollen grains per cubic meter (PPCM). After the rain in the third week of March reduce the level of pollen about 28000 pollen grains per cubic meter.

Allergies could be controlled through medication but prevention is better than cure. People who allergic to it have to take some preventive steps which may helpful to them, limited outdoor activities when pollen count is high, avoid unnecessary travels, wear filter masks to avoid the dust in the air and take allergy vaccine before pollen season begin.

Media should also give some information about these diseases when these seasons are active.