PPP accused of stealing mandate

KARACHI: The Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) launched a blistering broadside at the PPP on Sun-day ahead of the upcoming Karachi mayor elections, accusing it of attempting to steal the city’s mandate.
The mayoral elections are scheduled to be held on June 15 (Thursday). JI Karachi chief Hafiz Naeemur Rehman and PPP’s Murtaza Wahab are top contenders for the office of Ka-rachi mayor.
Rehman and his party have been accusing the PPP of not only rigging the local govern-ment elections but also the upcoming mayoral poll.
In a party rally in Karachi today, Rehman doubled down on his allegations and claimed the PPP had taken over seats belonging to his party as well as the PTI. He questioned why the PPP was claiming it would win the mayoral contest when it had overall fewer seats than the JI and its allies.
“What calculation is this? What science is this? What kind of election is this? What kind of election commission is this? Who are these people who are imposed over us? They are thieves of the mandate … and a mafia that controls Karachi.”
Rehman said any attempt to “take over” Karachi’s mandate would haunt the PPP and its leadership, adding that the stain would never be removed from the party. –Agencies