PPP’s Murtaza warns gov’t of Coronavirus negligence

LAHORE: Parliamentary Leader of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) in Punjab Assembly Syed Hassan Murtaza has said that the negligence of government in taking measures to tackle coronavirus epidemic is matter of grave concern.

Speaking on a point of order in the House on Friday, Hassan Murtaza said that the provincial government has not taken the risk of coronavirus outbreak serious and adopted irresponsible attitude regarding taken steps to deal with situation.

He said that there was no screening in hospitals of Punjab, no tests facilities, no isolation wards, neither wards nor any treatment facilities available in Punjab hospitals. Unfortunately so far there are no emergency actions from the government, he lamented.

The PPP Parliamentary Leader said that he went to the hospital Thursday night, where two nurses and only eight beds were available, and there were no emergency measures in relation to Corona, the nurses told, that there was no facility of diagnose available and were no doctors for coronaviruses treatment in the hospital.

He maintained that this was a matter of health of the people of Punjab. He said that we do not want to politics on this disease, nor do we want to divide the opposition and the government in this regard. But we urged Punjab government did not idle and did not act passively, rather than share information with the House.

Hassan Murtaza said that neither the Punjab government was showing any strategy nor any emergency arrangements were being made. The government has not taken any steps in respect of the four to five thousand people who have reached in Punjab after travelling abroad, he added.

He said that in Punjab coronaviruses diagnostics facility is not available in timely manner; we do not see any strategy to ensure implementation of the precautionary measures. The government needs to take immediate action on coronavirus, the public and the House were not taken into account on the preparations made by the Punjab government against the outbreak, he emphasized.