Premier directs to reactivate Neelum-Jhelum hydro project

———- Former Interior Secretary reports closure of the power project causing significant financial losses
———- Holds previous govt for turning project into a mess
———- PM criticises past negligence, demands a thorough investigation to identify those responsible
———- Emphasises need for immediate completion of the report and strict action against the culprits

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has directed the formation of an urgent committee to reactivate the Neelum-Jhelum Hydropower Project.
Chairing a meeting at the PM House on Sunday, Sharif reviewed the progress and challenges facing the project. A detailed briefing revealed that power generation was halted on May 2, 2024, following a pressure drop in the head race tunnels.
Former federal interior secretary Shahid Khan, leading the investigation, reported significant financial losses due to the closure. The investigation highlighted that a similar issue in 2021 during the PTI re-gime was ignored, exacerbating the current situation.
The project’s construction had overlooked crucial geophysical and seismic factors, and adequate con-crete lining of the tunnels was not completed.
PM Shehbaz criticised the past negligence and demanded a thorough investigation to identify those responsible. He emphasised the need for immediate completion of the report and strict action against the culprits.
The meeting included key ministers and officials, who discussed the technical and administrative laps-es that led to the project’s failure.