Premier Li stresses efforts to ease burden of raising children

BEIJING: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Tuesday called for easing the burdens of maternity, parenting and education to facilitate the implementation of the third-child policy.
Li, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks in an instruction to a video conference on improving birth policies in Beijing.
The population issues are of fundamental, holistic, and strategic importance that concern the development of the Chinese nation, Li said.
Implementing the third-child policy and its supporting measures is a significant decision made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to promote long-term and balanced population development, Li said.
The relevant economic and social policies and supporting measures should be coordinated to ease the burdens that giving birth, raising children, and providing education place on parents, Li stressed.
Li urged governments and authorities at all levels to formulate detailed plans and supporting measures to ensure the implementation of the policy.
When addressing the conference, Vice Premier Sun Chunlan, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, urged joint efforts on medical, educational, housing, and fiscal areas to achieve the strategic goal of population development, including speeding up revision of relevant laws and regulations.
In an instruction to a national video and telephone conference on improving birth policies, Li said the implementation of the third-child birth policy and supporting measures in China are major decisions made by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council to further adapt to the new changes in the population structure.
It is also a major move to promote long-term and balanced population development, as well as boosting high-quality development, he said.
Li urged efforts be made in supporting births with better services, accelerating the development of an affordable childcare services system and advancing the alignment of birth policies with relevant economic and social policies.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN News exchange item