Premier says rule of law solution to Pakistan’s problems

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan said the solution to Pakistan’s problems was rule of law.

“Look at the situation in Pakistan today, those in power who became prime minister and president, they are not trying to prove their innocence in court,” Prime Minister Imran Khan said while addressing a ceremony at the President House in connection with Minorities Day.

The prime minister added that when answers are sought from those who put the country in Rs24,000 billion in debt they allege political vengeance.

Giving the example of the State of Medina, Prime Minister Imran Khan said all problems of Pakistan could be solved if the country followed this model. He added that rule of law and rights of minorities were central to the State of Medina.

“Our ideal is to move towards the State of Medina…There is no rule of law in our country. If there is rule of law most of your problems will be resolved,” he said.

A lack of rule of law, the prime minister said meant there were separate laws for the rich and the poor. “The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said several nations have been destroyed before you where there were separate laws for the rich and poor.”

The prime minister stressed that his government wanted to make a modern state like the State of Medina.