President Aliyev holds talks with WEF Chief

DM Monitoring

BAKU: On the initiative of the President of the World Economic Forum, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has met with the Forum’s President Borge Brende in the format of a video conference.
Borge Brende extended greetings of the Forum’s Founder and Executive Chairman, Klaus Schwab, to President Aliyev.
Azerbaijani president thanked for the greetings from Klaus Schwab and asked Brende to convey his greetings to the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.
The long-term fruitful cooperation between Azerbaijan and the World Economic Forum and the country’s close involvement in a number of initiatives of the Forum as part of this cooperation was underlined at the meeting.
The sides emphasized that Azerbaijan and the World Economic Forum were successfully cooperating in the development of the non-oil sector in the country.
President Aliyev informed Brende of the infrastructure projects and the attraction of investments to Azerbaijani territories liberated from Armenian occupation. The president said that the reconstruction process was underway in those territories and that there was tremendous work in store because a large area would be completely rebuilt. It was noted that the efforts would mainly focus on reconstruction of the territories, which will also give an impetus to the non-energy sector of the economy, especially construction.
Emphasizing that the foundation of the villages to be reconstructed on the basis of the “smart village” concept was laid two days ago, the head of state said that he announced the liberated territories as a “green zone”. He noted that the “smart city” and “smart village” concept will be used in those areas, adding that master plans have been prepared for cities, infrastructure projects related to production, electricity, highways, railways and airports were being implemented and touched upon prospects for cooperation with the World Economic Forum in this field.
During the conversation, the sides discussed the measures taken to combat the pandemic in Azerbaijan and praised the increase in the number of people recovering from the disease in the country in recent days. It was noted that vaccination had been launched in Azerbaijan, that 14 percent of the population has already been vaccinated and that very important and global measures have been taken at the initiative of the country in connection with the pandemic.