President directs for excelling elevated diplomatic skills

APP50-050322 KARACHI: March 05 - President Dr. Arif Alvi addressing the Seminar on "Eastbound-A Talk for Culture Fostering Future" organized by Model United Nations IBA at IBA Main Campus. APP

From Zeeshan Mirza

KARACHI: The President Dr. Arif Alvi on Sunday stressed the need for fostering better communication skills for an affective diplomacy. While highlighting the communication skills in diplomatic channels, he said that the people should study books as much as possible to develop positive thinking and better communication skills. He stated this while addressing a seminar on ‘Eastbound: A talk on Culture Fostering Future’ organized by IBA Public Speaking Society, said a communique.
The President said that there must be new world order that should be based on humanity and morality. The President emphasized that the man should avoid possibilities of war before reaching to a point of no return.
He also lauded IBA for arranging such a wonderful event on an excellent topic.
Meanwhile, President Dr Arif Alvi has directed Pakistan Post Office Department to initiate an inquiry into the sad conduct of its officials for ignoring the recommendations of the Special Medical Board to retire an ailing employee on medical grounds. He expressed dismay over the fact that the department had failed to consider the medical condition of a paralyzed employee and asked him to opt for premature retirement instead of providing him relief on medical grounds.
The president made these remarks while rejecting a representation of the Pakistan Post Department Department (the Agency) against a decision of the Wafaqi Mohtasib asking it to redress the grievance of its employee in the light of the recommendations of the medical board.
While rejecting the representation, the president noted that it was quite unfortunate that instead of showing compassion, the department displayed obduracy and resistance in the matter and failed to act upon the recommendations of its own medical board.
He further noted that Pakistan should be a country where compassion and rule of law were supreme.
The president took special exception to the fact that the agency ignored the recommendations of its board without assigning any reason merely on the ground that since only 3 months and 9 days were left in superannuation, hence, the employee might opt for premature retirement.
He termed this act of agency as unjust, unreasonable and arbitrary as it was a departure from the established practice and procedures, and, therefore, constituted an act of maladministration.
The president in his decision observed that in such matters compassion along with rules could make a big difference.
He said that ignoring the medical condition of an employee and rejecting the recommendations of the board was saddening and unfortunate.
“Besides rejecting the representation, I would like to order an inquiry to be conducted by the agency itself on its sad conduct and inform Wafaqi Mohtasib within 45 days and action to be taken against those responsible”, the president ordered.
As per details of the case, Abdul Qudoos (the complainant) had alleged that his father, Qadir Bux Bhatti, was serving as Assistant Post Master (BS-11), Pano Akil, who got paralyzed during his service due to two brain strokes.
A Special Medical Board (SMB) was constituted wherein all members, on 19.08.2020, unanimously recommended that Qadir Bux Bhatti, on the basis of his disease profile and clinical status, couldn’t continue his job and may be retired on medical grounds.
Instead of implementing the recommendations of medical board, Pakistan Post Office Department conveyed through its letter, on 22.02.2021, that since three months and nine days were left in the superannuation of Qadir Bux, therefore, he may apply for premature retirement.
Feeling aggrieved, the complainant approached the Wafaqi Mohtasib to seek justice which asked the agency to implement the recommendations of its medical board. The agency, however, filed a representation with the President against the order of the Mohtasib.