President for youth’s contribution to dev’t

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arif Alvi Wednesday stressed upon the youth to utilize their full potentials in accelerating the country’s current pace of progress through intelligence-based contributions, because in the fast changing world, the countries would get edge over each other through human-intellect driven resources.
Addressing the 25th Convocation of Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIK), here at the Aiwan-e-Sadr, the President observed that country could achieve fast paced progress on the basis of knowledge based economy.
Highlighting the significance of artificial and human intelligence, the president said those countries achieved marvels which had realized its significance. The natural resources were not now considered as real driving engines for progress as different countries had made progress on the basis of human intellect, he opined.
The president said Pakistan, being the fifth most populous country in the world, had not yet reached to its true potential, and stressed upon the young graduates to fully devote their energies by harnessing their true capabilities and play an active part in advancing the goals of rapid progress and prosperity of the nation.
The president while reposing confidence in the talents of young lot said that in today’s world, the realms of knowledge were limitless with availability of modern gadgets and tools of information. “A nation can progress if all segments in a society including ulema, students, media and others take part in steering the country’s ship towards its destination,” he added.
He said that modes of communication in the world had undergone huge changes. Lack of communication, in the past, often led to misunderstanding, the president added. The president urged the students to develop sense of pain and empathy for the members of society, family and relatives after completion of their education.
The president said the present government had taken drastic measures to curtail unnecessary expenditures and launched strict austerity drive starting from the President and Prime Minister Houses. He said these were the measures which could help the nation to change its mindset.
The president observed that dishonesty and corruption were the elements which wrecked destruction upon nations. Prime Minister Imran Khan during Covid 19 pandemic had taken the best decisions of smart lockdowns, giving priority to the human compassion and livelihoods of the poor people which produced encouraging results, he said, adding the roll out of Ehsaas programme was an indication of that human compassion.
On the other hand, in the neighbouring country, lack of good decision-making created unending ordeals and destruction for the people, he added. Due to the prudent economic policies of the government, all indicators were showing upward trajectory, he added.