President hails NCOC’s role in COVID-19 combat

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: President Arif Alvi on Wednesday visited the National Command Operation Center and lauded its role in tackling the novel coronavirus in the country.According to a declaration, President Alvi said that the timely and effective steps taken by the NCOC t to control the outbreak of the novel coronavirus were commendable.
He also presided over a meeting at the NCOC. Federal Minister for Planning and Development Asad Umar briefed the meeting on situation arising out of COVID-19 in the country. Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research Syed Fakhar Imam, Minister of Religious Affairs Noorul Haq Qadri, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on Health Dr Zafar Mirza and all the four chief secretaries participated in the meeting through video link.
Earlier on July 4, Prime Minister Imran Khan had visited National Command and Operations Centre (NCOC), where he had been briefed on COVID-19 situation in the country. Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa, federal ministers and officials had also accompanied the prime minister during his visit. During a briefing to the prime minister, it was informed that the smart lockdown had minimized COVID-19 impact on the economy.
Agencies add: President Dr. Arif Alvi on Wednesday urged upon all provinces to ensure strict compliance of standard operating procedures (SOPs) on Eid-ul-Azha and during the month of Muharram-ul-Haram to control the spread of coronavirus.