President seeks enhanced trade links with Nigeria

By Anzal Amin

ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arif Alvi on Monday called for further improving trade, economic and cultural cooperation with Nigeria, besides increasing the bilateral trade volume for the mutual benefit of the two countries.

The president expressed these views while talking to Pakistan’s High Commissioner-designate to Nigeria, Major General (retd) Sohail Ahmad Khan, who called on him, at Aiwan-e-Sadr, President Secretariat Press Wing said in a press release.

Talking to the high-commissioner designate, the president said that Nigeria was the largest economy in Africa, and Pakistan should explore opportunities for advancing trade and economic relations with it. He opined that economic diplomacy was the cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policy and Pakistan attached great importance to its relations with Nigeria, especially in the field of economy.

President Alvi asked the newly appointed high commissioner to work for promoting cultural linkages and people-to-people contacts to strengthen the bonds of friendship between the two countries. He also congratulated Major General (retd) Sohail Ahmad Khan on his appointment and expressed the hope that he would work to further enhance bilateral ties with Nigeria in all domains of mutual interest.

Meanwhile, The Supreme Court was approached on Saturday seeking the removal of Dr Arif Alvi as President of Pakistan, allegedly for not acting in accordance with the responsibilities of the highest office and being biased.The petition, moved by Ghulam Murtaza Khan in person, alleged that the president has been evasive in performing his constitutional obligations.

“He has violated the Constitution and committed gross misconduct, therefore, he is not eligible to continue his duties as the president and needs to be declared that he should not continue as president of Pakistan,” the petitioner said.

“Being the head of the State, he is under constitutional obligation to work in accordance with law but he was misusing the powers and violating the Constitution continuously by his words and conducts,” he alleged.

Mr Khan argued that the president represents the entire nation throughout the world; therefore, he should fulfil this responsibility patriotically, with loyalty and devotion.
The president should not have been representing any political party, which is very evident that he is representing and portraying one party, i.e., the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI), the petition alleged.

The petitioner also cited the example of the April 2022 dissolution of the National Assembly on the instructions of former prime minister Imran Khan — an action which, according to the petitioner, has ruined the entire political scenario of the country and damaged the image of Pakistan internationally.

Still, the president dissolved the assembly, though the Supreme Court set aside the same by overturning the ruling of the deputy speaker to dismiss the then no-trust resolution against Imran Khan and the subsequent dissolution of the assembly by the president.

The petitioner contended that it was the responsibility of the president to ensure peace within the country and when the president is representing the entire country, he cannot act in a biased or subjective manner by favouring a particular political party.

He said President Alvi misused his powers by using his office to allegedly support PTI and his office was allegedly being used for the meetings or activities of the party. This act of the president was also unconstitutional and biased towards the whole nation, the petitioner said.

He alleged that the role of the president is like a father who protects all of his children equally. He represents the whole nation as head of the state; therefore, his interest and actions should be very clear towards the betterment, development, welfare, prestige, peace and prosperity of the country.

It also referred to the president’s act of not assenting the Official Secrets Amendment Bill and the Pakistan Army Amendment Bill, which the petitioner believed was a grave misconduct and reflected a partial stance.