President seeks stronger economic ties with Qatar

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arif Alvi on Wednesday called for further strengthening ties with Qatar in the fields of economy and defence for the mutual benefit of the two brotherly countries.

The president expressed these views while talking to the visiting Chief of Staff of Qatar Armed Forces, Lt Gen (Pilot) Salem Hamad Eqail Al-Nabet, who along with the members of his delegation called on him, at Aiwan-e-Sadr. Pakistan’s Chief of Air Staff, Air Chief Marshall Zaheer Ahmed Baber Sidhu, and senior officials of the government also attended the meeting.

The president said that Pakistan and Qatar enjoyed excellent relations, which needed to be translated into mutually rewarding business and economic ties. Welcoming the delegation, President Alvi said that year 2023 would mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Qatar and expressed the hope that cooperation between the two countries would be further enhanced in the years to come. He expressed his gratitude to Qatar for providing humanitarian assistance during last year’s floods as well as financial support to Pakistan during difficult times.

The president congratulated Qatar for successfully holding the FIFA 2022 Football World Cup.

He also congratulated the Chief of Staff of Qatar Armed Forces on the conferment of the award of Nishan-e-Imtiaz (Military) upon him in recognition of his role in promoting cooperation between the Armed Forces of the two brotherly countries.
Earlier, President Alvi conferred the award of Nishan-e-Imtiaz (Military) upon Lt Gen (Pilot) Salem Hamad Eqail Al-Nabet at a special investiture ceremony held at the Aiwan-e-Sadr. Earlier, President Arif Alvi has underlined the need for ending “bitterness” to pave way for “cooperation and forgiveness” among the stakeholders. The president stated this in a meeting with former federal minister Muhammad Ali Durrani, who called on him at the President House in Islamabad, according to a statement issued by the Presidency on Tuesday.

It was their third meeting in one month which is part of Durrani’s efforts to reduce political temperature in the country. Urging free, fair, transparent, and inclusive elections, President Alvi emphasised that all political parties and their leaderships should be given equal opportunities to participate in the election process to strengthen democracy in the country.
The president was of the view that there was a dire need for political, institutional and stakeholder unity in the country to battle the difficulties on all possible fronts, including that of economy.

“Bitterness must end and give way to cooperation and forgiveness,” he said.
“Democracy becomes meaningless if people are not able to elect leaders of their choice,” the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)-backed president stated.

He stated that difficult decisions needed backing of the people and their participative ownership. He further said the forthcoming general elections would provide a good opportunity to create vibrancy needed to rebuild the country.

He also appreciated the statements given across the spectrum by all political leaders that there should be a level playing field, as only this single issue of inclusivity was the essence of democracy. During the meeting, Durrani proposed a “grand dialogue” among the stakeholders.

Last month, in an interview with The News and Jang Durrani said he had a long-standing relationship with Dr Alvi. On his meeting with the president, back then, Durrani said it was “productive” and helped reduce political temperatures.

“His thinking was positive. That’s why my meeting was meaningful and pleasant,” he had of his earlier meetings with the president.

To a question on whose request he was holding these meetings, the former federal minister said the meeting was his personal initiative.

“I am doing what Pakistan needs and it is my duty as a politician.”

It is pertinent to note that the Pakistan Muslim League Functional (PML-F) leader — who served as information minister during late military ruler General (retd) Pervez Musharraf’s era — last made headlines when he, in 2021, proposed to initiate a “grand dialogue” among stakeholders.

Furthermore, Durrani cautioned that the democratic system would “break down” if general elections did not precede the Senate polls.

“General elections must take place ahead of the Senate elections so that the parliament is not left incomplete.”

During the interview, Durrani remarked that he was an ardent supporter of reconciliation and it cannot happen overnight and only through some meetings.

“Confidence-building measures have to be taken,” he said.