President seeks unity to contain COVID-19

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arif Alvi on Thursday appealed to the nation, including politicians, to set aside mutual differences and help each other in fighting COVID-19.
“We must rise to meet challenge of Coronavirus in Pakistan. Forget all differences and start helping the people,” the president said in a tweet. President Alvi said: “In this war, everything else is secondary because this has to be fought by every family in every home. Ensure your personal safety and then help others.”
“I have made hundreds of calls, urging all politicians to set aside their differences, to Ulema to use their vast human resources and goodwill to spread message of care, to media houses to give more time, to all Chief Ministers to ensure administration efficiency, to Governors, and many influencers for help,” he said. President Dr. Arif Alvi on Thursday urged the ulema to support the government in dealing with the novel coronavirus pandemic.
In a telephonic conversation with Wifaq- ul-Madaris Al-Shia Vice President Allama Qazi Syed Niaz Hussain Naqvi, President Alvi urged the religious scholars to play a pro-active role in enhancing awareness about prevention from the virus.
The president said,” We should set aside all our political, religious, and sectarian differences and serve the affectees with national spirit”
He urged the ulema to use their vast human resources to take care of the people infected with the coronavirus. On the occasion, Allama Qazi Syed Niaz Hussain Naqvi said that the Ulema stand shoulder to shoulder with the government in this difficult time.
President of Pakistan Arif Alvi on Thursday issued a statement urging more seriousness from everyone against the very real and dangerous threat of COVID-19, coronavirus.
The president asked the nation to keep petty interests and differences at bay and face the deadly pandemic head-on. President Arif Alvi said that the nation must rise to meet the gargantuan challenge that the coronavirus presents and persevere, come what may.
The premier said that unity among the people was integral to see-through the threat and come out victorious, he said that the disease is and should be everyone’s primary concern now and everything else should be considered secondary.
President Arif Alif also advised the people to remain cautious and help themselves before opting to help others in need.