President urges efforts to curb Islamophobia

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: President Dr. Arif Alvi said the growing Islamophobia in some European countries, which also triggered recent violent protests in Pakistan, was causing clash of civilizations at a time when the world needed peace. Nobody, in the garb of freedom of expression, had the right to speak or utter such words which hurt the religious sentiments of others, the President said.
To a question about resolution tabled in the National Assembly on the issue of French Ambassador’s expulsion, the President said that the purpose behind tabling the resolution in parliament was to discuss the issue and reflect the sentiments of people in Pakistan.
He said that as speaking about Holocaust in Europe was not permitted, the publication of caricatures in France and the disrespect of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon in France) caused pain to Muslims.
To a question about 18th Constitutional Amendment, the President was of the view that the reservations expressed by Prime Minister Imran Khan regarding the amendment were justified, as he wanted more resources for the center. He said that the matter had been taken up in the Council of Common Interests (CCI) for discussion. Another amendment could be made to bring about improvement in the 18th Constitutional Amendment, he added.
To a question about Pakistan-India relations, the President said that recent ceasefire agreement with India had nothing to do with Pakistan’s policy on Kashmir. Pakistan was committed to its stance on Kashmir and will not hold any dialogue with India until it reversed its August 5, 2019 decision of revoking article 370 in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, he added.
About the US President’s announcement of troops’ withdrawal from Afghanistan from May 1, 2021, President Alvi said it endorsed the view of Prime Minister Imran Khan that there was no military solution of Afghan conflict. He added that besides continuing to play its role for peace and stability in Afghanistan Pakistan will also assist the brotherly and neighborly country in the areas of socio-economic development, education, health etc.
Meanwhile, President Dr. Arif Alvi and Governor Sindh Imran Ismail on Friday discussed federal government supported development projects for Sindh, besides the situation of law and order. They met at Governor House here, said a spokesperson of the Governor’s House.
The overall situation in the province including law and order, public welfare projects and other issues of mutual interest were also came under discussion during the meeting.
President Dr. Arif Alvi said that the elected representatives have to show responsibilities for resolving the problems of the people.
He further said that the federal government was taking all-out steps to resolve the problems of the people and several projects launched for the welfare of the people were proof of it.
The Governor Sindh said that the development and prosperity of the people were among the priorities of the Prime Minister Imran Khan and the solution of the problems of the province was being made possible through mutual cooperation and understanding.