President warns India over HR violations in IoK

-Calls upon int’l community to take notice of Indian atrocities in IIOJ&K
-Says Hindutva ideology poses a serious threat to regional peace
-Punjab Governor terms India as facilitator of terrorists

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arif Alvi on Tuesday said that India is committing gross human rights violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) and carrying out genocide of Kashmiri people.
The president was talking to President Azad Jammu and Kashmir Sardar Masood Khan in Islamabad. Dr Arif Alvi called upon the international community to take notice of ongoing Indian atrocities and its racism policy in IIOJ&K. The president said India is trying to change demography of IIOJK by issuing domiciles to non-residents.
He said the Hindutva ideology posed a serious threat to the regional peace and that with the oppressive polices against the innocent Kashmiris, Modi’s government could not suppress the spirit of freedom. Reiterating Pakistan’s political, diplomatic and moral support to the Kashmiri people for the just solution of Kashmir issue, the president stressed upon the United Nations to fulfill its commitment over self-determination by the Kashmiri people.
Earlier, President Dr Arif Alvi Monday said that India was committing gross human rights violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and carrying out genocide of Kashmiri people.
The president was talking to President Azad Jammu and Kashmir Sardar Masood Khan who called on him. They discussed the situation in IIOJK. President Dr Alvi called upon the international community to take notice of ongoing Indian atrocities and its racism policy in IIOJK.
The president said India was trying to change demography of IIOJK by issuing domiciles to non-residents. The Hindutva ideology posed a serious threat to the regional peace, he said, adding that with the oppressive polices against the innocent Kashmiris, Modi’s government could not suppress the spirit of freedom.
Reiterating Pakistan’s political, diplomatic and moral support to the Kashmiri people for the the just solution of Kashmir issue, the president stressed upon the United Nations to fulfill its commitment over self determination by the Kashmiri people.
Meanwhile, President Dr Arif Alvi Tuesday urged the people to continue raising their guard against the fourth wave of coronavirus by strictly observing all standard operating procedures (SOPs) to contain its further spread.
In a short clip message posted on Tik Tok, the popular social media platform, the president advised the people to wear masks and observe social distancing especially during their visit to cattle and commercial markets. He said the faithful should also observe distance while offering Eid ul Azha prayers. He stressed upon prolonging these efforts to overcome the fourth Delta variant wave.