President Xi calls for greater Beijing-Baku exchanges

BEIJING: Chinese President Xi Jinping said that China and Azerbaijan should take the 30th anniversary of their diplomatic relationship next year as an opportunity to push for greater development of bilateral ties.
In a telephone conversation with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, Xi suggested that the two countries carry forward their traditional friendship, deepen win-win cooperation, increase mutual support, and create more benefits for their people. Xi pointed out that since last year, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, China and Azerbaijan have supported each other and joined hands against the challenge, which has demonstrated their true friendship.
The Communist Party of China (CPC) is about to celebrate its 100th anniversary, and China has embarked on a new journey of fully building a modern socialist country, he said, adding that China-Azerbaijan relations now stand at a new historical starting point. China supports the development path chosen by the Azerbaijani people on the basis of their national conditions, and regards Azerbaijan as an important partner for Belt and Road cooperation, Xi stressed.
The two sides, he suggested, should share opportunities, pursue common development, and ensure sound planning and effective implementation of their Belt and Road cooperation.
China is willing to import more high-quality specialty products from Azerbaijan, encourage Chinese enterprises to invest and start business in Azerbaijan, and carry out cooperation in such fields as infrastructure construction, he added.
The two sides, he said, should deepen cooperation in international transportation and logistics, promote the building of Asia-Europe transport corridors, and improve the level of regional connectivity. China stands ready to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with Azerbaijan in medical areas, and continue to provide vaccines and other assistance for Azerbaijan’s fight against COVID-19, Xi said.
He added that China has achieved a complete victory against poverty, and is willing to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with Azerbaijan and jointly promote the cause of global poverty reduction. –Agencies