President Xi chairs top leadership meeting

BEIJING: Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Friday presided over a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to analyze the economic work for 2021.
It was noted at the meeting that despite critical challenges and difficulties this year, China was able to take resolute action to address the situation. China is the only major economy in the world seeing positive growth, it was pointed out, and has achieved breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation and opening-up and reform. However, it was stressed that though China’s economy is gradually recovering and on the track back to normalcy, there are still uncertainties brought by the COVID-19 pandemic and the external environment.
Thus, officials were urged to maintain a stronger sense of opportunity and risk, make scientific planning and ensure work implementation so as to take lead in the economic work.
The framework for next year’s economic work planning was also set at the meeting, and it was noted that 2021 is of great significance for China’s modernization.
As this is the final year of China’s 13th Five-Year Plan, it was noted that after five years of development, China’s economic power, scientific and technological power, overall national power and people’s livelihoods have reached a new level.
It was stated that in 2021, the first year of China’s 14th Five-Year Plan, the achievements in COVID-19 prevention and control as well as social and economic development should be cemented, making sure development and safety are systematically coordinated. Officials must improve the efficiency of the country’s economic system with an emphasis on the supply-side structural reform, it was noted, while continuing to advance opening-up and reform, strengthen technological power and form a strong domestic market.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN
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