President Xi inspects Hunan Province

CHANGSHA: Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, on inspected central China’s Hunan Province, on September 16.
In the village of Shazhou, Rucheng County, Xi visited places including a village service center, a clinic, a modern agricultural tourism demonstration base, a primary school, and the homes of villagers.
Xi learned about education on the history of revolution, poverty relief industries, and progress in consolidating poverty eradication.
Xi Jinping also visited a revolution-themed exhibition hall during his inspection tour in central China’s Hunan Province.
The exhibition chronicles the story of an impoverished villager named Xu Jiexiu, who offered shelter to three female Red Army soldiers during the Long March in the 1930s. Upon the soldiers’ departure, they cut their only quilt into two pieces, leaving one part with Xu to show their care.
Lacking food and clothing, even facing life-or-death situations, the Red Army still kept the people’s well-being in mind, Xi said, noting that the story shows the CPC’s original aspiration and character.
Thus, the people have come to understand what the CPC-led people’s army truly is, Xi said.
The story remains touching today, Xi said, urging efforts to pass on the revolutionary traditions.
– The Daily Mail-Beijing Review News exchange item