President Xi stresses on multilateralism

-States let multilateralism light way forward for humanity
-Says China strives for accessibility, affordability of vaccines

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BEIJING: Chinese President Xi Jinping said there is only one Earth and one shared future for humanity, calling on countries to stand united and work together when coping with the current crisis and endeavoring to make a better day for everyone.
“Let us all join hands and let multilateralism light our way toward a community with a shared future for mankind,” said Xi while addressing the World Economic Forum Virtual Event of the Davos Agenda.
Moreover, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Monday that China will continue supporting developing countries in their fights against COVID-19 and contribute to making vaccines public goods that are accessible and affordable to all.
Xi made the remarks in a telephone conversation with Dominican Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit.
Though geographically far apart, China and Dominica are good friends enjoying mutual respect, equality and mutual benefits, Xi said.
In the past almost 17 years since the two countries established diplomatic relations, they have made substantial progress in bilateral ties, supported each other on issues concerning their core interests and major concerns, and maintained sound cooperation in such fields as infrastructure construction, agriculture, health and education, which have deepened the bond of friendship between the people of the two sides, Xi noted.
China appreciates that Dominica has made developing relations with China a diplomatic priority, and is ready to continue providing help within its capacity for Dominica’s social and economic development, Xi said.
The Chinese president expressed belief that with joint efforts, China-Dominica friendly cooperative relations will certainly develop better. Xi stressed that in the face of the sudden coronavirus outbreak, China and Dominica have joined hands to fight the pandemic, demonstrating a profound friendship of mutual help.
China, he added, will continue strongly supporting Dominica in its fight against COVID-19, providing assistance and support for developing countries, and striving to make vaccines public goods that are accessible and affordable to people in all countries.
The Chinese president also said the two countries should firmly support the World Health Organization in playing its due role, and work together to promote the building of a global community of health for all.