Presidential form of government

Governor Sindh Imran Ismail ruled out any possibility of imposition of governor rule in the province during a media interaction yesterday. However, he said that the federal government wants to put things in order. He further added that he wrote a letter to Prime Minister regarding lawlessness in the province and recommended to change Provincial Inspector General of Police (IGP). According to him, IGP Sindh Mushtaq Ahmed Mahar has failed to perform his duties and is a biased officer. He accused IG Sindh and Provincial Police for working as a party. He said that Police was taking illegal actions against members and workers of opposition parties and remined Police of being servants of state not of any political party. The civil government servants from local administration, Police and other services provider departments face the acts of intimidation and threats of punitive measures in shape of posting, suspension and termination from the job on the hands of Politicians, their relatives, feudal lords, higher officials and mafias every single day. It is bitter fact, that the functioning of these civil government institutions run on political influence and if employees of government department do not fulfill the demands of Political elite they actually face problems from their department, as pressure comes from the Ministry, headed by a politician. There is very thin and delicate line which separate the rational service of a government servant from their personal obedience toward any Political Conjurer or feudal lord. Before, assuming the power in the Centre and provinces, PTI was making tall claims to strengthen the Country’s institutions and eradicating the culture of Political interference, model policing and so on. However, after taking the office, PTI government had done totally opposite to its claims and country’s institutions become weaken than ever before. This situation badly hampered the performance of government’s institutions, no political government will give in the culture of political interference into the institutions. However, the government employees must build a culture of true professionalism themselves by opting not to subdue in front of all sort of Political Pressure, while performing their duties. The People of the country have witnessed the political drama during the by-election in recent days. No Screen smoke can hide the truth from the public eye. The public will give its verdict in coming general election and all Political parties must wait for that.