Pro-govt tribal elder killed in Mohmand Agency IED blast

SHABAQADARThe vehicle of a pro-government tribal elder was targeted with an improvised explosive device (IED) in Ambar Tehsil of Mohmand Agency.
According to the political administration, Malak Ameer Rehman’s vehicle was being driven by his nephew when attacked in the Olai Shah area early morning. Rehman’s nephew escaped unhurt while the vehicle was damaged in the explosion, he added.
Following the blast, security forces conducted a clearance operation in the area.
According to the political administration, the Khasadar Force arrested 13 people during the operation under the territorial collective responsibility clause of the Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR).
Assistant Political Agent for Mohmand Agency Naveed Akbar told media that the political administration would suspend the perks and privileges of the tribe in question for failing to safeguard their territory as required under the territorial collective responsibility of FCR.
On Friday morning, a security official was killed and another injured in two separate IED blasts in the Chamarkand Safi Tehsil of upper Mohmand Agency.
On Thursday, five pro-government peace committee tribal elders were killed in an IED blast in South Waziristan.