Problems continue to plague Hub Industrial Area

KARACHI: The industrialists operating in the Hub Industrial Area of Balochistan have sought a proper policy and action from the federal and provincial governments to resolve the issues impacting the area industries, reports Media.

According to them, inconsistent gas supply, and damaged roads between Karachi and Hub are hindering the industrial sector’s growth and seriously denting its operational capabilities to create more jobs and effectively process the local as well as foreign orders.

For the past one and a half years, they have been demanding the repair of a major bridge connecting Sindh and Balochistan but to no avail. They said the bridge can be rehabilitated within four months but its rehabilitation has been delayed unnecessarily, disrupting transportation and hindering economic activities.

Talking to Media, Masood Hussain, a prominent business leader in Hub Industrial Area, emphasized the need to address these issues. He said instead of providing new gas connections and ensuring the required pressure, the industrialists were being asked to opt for the pricey Regasified Liquefied Natural Gas (RLNG) connections.

According to Masood, RLNG costs Rs3,950 per mmBtu (million British thermal units), while regular gas costs Rs1,350 per mmBtu. He lamented that Balochistan produced approximately 18 percent to 20 percent natural gas but got only six percent of the total production. He called for implementing Article 158 of the Constitution to ensure a fair distribution of gas resources and benefit the local population.

This industrial area, spanning 1,300 acres and housing around 200 national and multinational industries, faces numerous challenges, including energy shortages and utility problems, he said.

He said the step-motherly attitude of the authorities concerned towards the Hub city had caused the energy crisis, inconveniencing both the industrialists and local residents.

Hussain Rizvi, who represents the SMEs sector in the area, told Media that acute shortage of water was another issue facing the region. He said Hub Dam had ample water but the area faced issues like water theft and evaporation due to the absence of a proper water supply channel.

He urged the government to lay water pipelines for supplies to the Hub City and HITE and rid them of their reliance on water tankers.

Addressing these fundamental issues will unlock the tremendous potential of the area to accommodate more industries and create new opportunities for industrialists, he said, urging the government to allocate funds for rehabilitation of the industrial area. –INP