Promoting Safety Culture in industries imperative: IEP

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: An awareness session for the young engineers to highlight their responsibilities in promoting safety culture in construction and industrial production was held here by Institution of Engineers Pakistan, Islamabad-Rawalpindi Centre (IEP-RIC).
It is a part of Continued Professional Development (CPD) being undertaken by the Center regularly. Engr. Dr. Khawar Naveed, former Director General Nuclear Power Projects, PAEC was the Resource Person who shared his knowledge and experience with the graduate engineers on safety norms and SOPs.
Engr. Ahmed Shamim, convener of CPD conducted the session that was attended by more than sixty engineers. Also present on the occasion were chairman IEP-RIC, Engr. Hafiz M. Ehsan ul Haq Qazi, Secretary IEP-RIC Gp. Engr. Najamuddin and chairman building committee IEP Prof. Dr. Sharif Bhatti.
It was an interactive gathering of senior and young engineers who spoke about the importance of safety protocol for avoiding mishaps and loss of human life at work place.
The resource person emphasized that all preventive and protective measures must be taken in the execution of engineering jobs.
Dr. Khawar Naveed, an experienced mechanical engineer also referred to various common causes that of accidents. He was of the view that the accidents could be avoided by following relevant standards and standard operating procedures.
Engr. Dr Sharif Bhatti in his concluding remarks emphasized that the engineers while undertaking their jobs must follow a defined safety procedures.
A positive attitude and cautious human behaviour can prevent untoward incidents during the construction and industrial production. Safety culture lead to quality work, he added.