Promotion of safety culture in company is top priority: FESCO

FAISALABAD: Promotion and practical implementation of the safety culture in the company is top priority of the FESCO administration, FESCO is utilizing the all available resources to provide a safe working environment to its staff, said speakers of a workshop on the topic of “Electrical Safety Training for The Trainers”. The workshop was arranged by the FESCO Health Safety & Environment (HSE) Directorate at WAPDA Engineering Academy here today.

During his speech, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Faisalabad Electric Supply Company (FESCO) Engr. Bashir Ahmed said that the process for the purchase of the bucket cranes is at the final stage. FESCO in collaboration with National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has also prepared a safety handbook for the line staff, which would be helpful for creating awareness about safety first, he added. He further said that on the special directive of the FESCO Board of Directors (BODs) FESCO is continuously organizing the safety workshops which are not only facilitating the line staff but also introducing new safety dimensions for the officers.

Chairman, Board of Directors, Health Safety & Environment (HSE) committee Salman Najeeb Khan said that all line staff should be aware about the safety codes and basic safety principles so that they could be saved from any mishap. He further said that it is mandatory that senior officers transfer their experience to the juniors so that safety culture could be promoted. He said that FESCO is implementing zero tolerance against the violation of safety codes.

During his speech, Director Board Barrister Irfan Chattha emphasized upon the need to provide a safe and secure working environment to employees and said that we cannot control the accidents rate without practically implementing the safety first principle. He reiterated his commitment that all possible measures would be adopted for the safety of staff and consumers because human life is paramount. He also highlighted the legal aspects of action against power pilferage and different sections against electricity theft.

GM Operation Muhammad Saleem also addressed the seminar and said that FESCO officers should strictly follow the safety-first principle to save the line staff from fatal and non-fatal accidents. Renowned National Level Safety Consultant Sheikh Tahir Saleem also delivered a detailed lecture on HSE Management System, Insecure Process and Insecure situation, PTW System, General Safety Requirement and other important safety topics during the workshop.

Deputy Director Safety Muhammad Saeed Raza mentioned the steps taken to promote safety culture in FESCO and departmental action against the staff for who violated the safety principles.

The workshop was also attended by Chief Engineers (CEs), Superintending Engineers (SEs) from Operations, GSO, GSC, Executive Engineers (XENs), Sub Divisional Officers (SDOs) and Safety Inspectors.