Proud to be part of Chinese Police: HKPF

Hong Kong: With the support of the mainland’s public security authorities, the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) have overcome challenges and protected the rule of law in ending the riots and safeguarding sovereignty, HKPF commissioner Chris Tang Ping-keung said in a congratulatory message to the Ministry of Public Security on Sunday, saying that HKPF is proud to be part of the Chinese police force. Sunday marked the country’s first People’s Police Day, the date set to honor the services and sacrifices of the Chinese police. Tang said in the message that the Chinese police force have always performed their duties loyally and selflessly for the country, making a major contribution to social stability and security.
“As members of the Chinese police force, the HKPF feels very proud,” Tang said in the message sent to the Global Times on Sunday. Over the past year, the HKPF has encountered many challenges, and with the support of the public security authorities in the mainland, it has overcome those difficulties, strived to safeguard sovereignty, maintained the rule of law and ended the violence and riots, Tang noted. The central government and mainland public security authorities have firmly backed the HKPF during months of anti-government protests in 2019 that turned into social turmoil. They also pledged to fully guide the HKPF in battling the violence and restoring social order. “Recognizing it as being part of the Chinese People’s Police instead of sticking to the British royal system is already huge progress,” a Chinese netizen said on Chinese Twitter-like Weibo.
This recognition is also seen as awareness of national identity, Li Xiaobing, an expert on Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan studies at Nankai University in Tianjin, told the Global Times on Sunday, referring to the constructive move of further integrating the HKPF into China’s overall development plan.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item