Provincial Minister calls for up-gradation of highways

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

ISLAMABAD: The dilapidated roads of Balochistan are posing serious threat to the lives of commuters, seeking urgent attention of the quarters concerned for their dualization and up-gradation.
Talking to media, Provincial Minister for Social Welfare and Non-Formal Education, Mir Asadullah Baloch said around 30 people including women, children from Panjgoor were killed due to road accidents in the last two months.
He said at present the province was facing worst condition of roads where the communication system required moderation after the inception of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) as for better economic activities in the area, proper and smooth thoroughfares were necessary.
Asad Baloch said the government should make a proper mechanism to control the increasing rate of road accidents in the province, adding that the narrow single lane highways were one of the major causes for vehicle collisions. The government should provide quality road infrastructure and accessibility to the masses of the province, he added.