PSO stops fuel supply to PIA

From Zeeshan Mirza

KARACHI: Pakistan State Oil (PSO) on Sunday suspended fuel supply to Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) amid non-transfer of daily payment to ensure fuel supply.
PIA agreed with PSO for a daily payment to continue fuel supply for essential routes earlier this month after the state-owned oil company suspended the supply over piling dues.
Pakistan State Oil excused PIA from supplying fuel amid the non-transfer of daily payment due on Sunday. On Saturday, PIA transferred Rs220 million to Pakistan State Oil to continue the daily fuel supply.
The civil aviation experts are showing resentment over the conduct of PSO which is not ready to give leniency to another state institution.
the national flag carrier spokesperson said that the national flag carrier’s flight schedule is returning to normal after restoration of fuel supply from Pakistan State Oil (PSO).
On Friday, the PIA spokesperson said in a statement that the airline operated 48 flights including 32 international and 16 domestic.
The PIA spokesperson said that the airline has paid Rs500 million so far to the PSO for the provision of fuel, adding that the national flag carrier is making payments to PSO daily.
PIA is currently acquiring fuel for profitable routes including Saudi Arabia, Canada, China, Kaula Lumpur and others.