PTI performance report on first 100 days

November 29 marks the 100th day for the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf led government. On the occasion, the party issued a review report, highlighting the targets achieved within the initial 100 days.
In the report’s opening remarks, the prime minister stated: “I firmly believe that Pakistan’s best days lie ahead.”
“During our election campaign, we laid out a transformational agenda, and set an ambitious timeline for delivery within the first 100 days, which I committed to every citizen of Pakistan,” the prime minister said in his message in the report.
“I was sworn in as your prime minister at a testing time, with a weakening economy and depleting trust in the system. This made planning our journey towards a transformed and elevated Pakistan all the more difficult. Yet we persevered, and will continue to persevere,” he added.
The report highlights the status of 34 deliverables from 34 initiatives in the 100 days agenda.

18 Deliverables Complete

Establish Asset Recovery Unit and Trace Unlawful Wealth

Status: Completed and Launched

In charge: Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Accountability

A taskforce and assets recovery unit were formed to recover unlawful wealth. Mutual Legal Assistance Bill 2018 was also finalised.

Draft Local Government Act of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, ICT
Status: Completed and Ready to Launch
In charge: Minister of State for Interior, Local government minister KP and Punjab
Milestones included review of Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab LG system with recommended improvements. It also included proposed blueprint for revamped LG system in Punjab, KP, and ICT developed for review.
It also included draft legislation to amend LG law in each province and intended timelines for election published.
Legal Reforms to Revolutionalise Access to Justice
Status: Completed and Ready to Launch
In charge: Federal Law Minister
Naya Pakistan Housing Programme
Status: Completed
In charge: Prime Minister
Framework to establish National Tourism Board

Status: Completed

In charge: Prime Minister

FBR Reform Roadmap

Status: Completed and Launched

In charge: Federal Finance Minister; Chairman FBR; Advisor; Establishment

Economic Support Package for Revival of Manufacturing Sector
Status: Completed
In charge: Federal Finance Minister, Advisor Commerce
National Financial Inclusion Strategy Implementation Plan

Status: Completed and Launched

In charge: Federal Finance Minister

Ease of Doing Business Strategy

Status: Completed and Launched

In charge: Federal Finance Minister, Commerce Advisor

National Agricultural Emergency Programme
Status: Completed and Ready to Launch
In charge: Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research
Implement National Water Policy
Status: Continous Delivery
In charge: Federal Minister Water Resources
Education Blueprint (ICT Only)

Status: Completed and Launched

In charge: Federal Minister for Education

Health blue Print (ICT Only)

Status: Completed and Ready to Launch

In charge: Federal Minister for National Health Services; Regulations and Coordination

Clean Drinking Water Plan (ICT Only)

Status: Completed and Ready to Launch

In charge: Minister of State for Interior

Social Protection Programme

Status: Completed and Ready to Launch

In charge: Finance Minister, Advisor to PM on Institutional Reforms and Austerity

Action Plan for Women and Girls in the Justice System

Status: Completed and Ready to Launch

In charge: Federal Minister for Law, Federal Minister for Human Rights

Launch 10 Billion Tree Tsunami

Status: Completed and Launched

In charge: Advisor to Prime Minister on Climate Change

Increase Pakistan’s Regional and Global Relevance

Status: Continous Delivery

In charge: Foreign Minister

16 In Progress

NAB Reform

Status: In progress

In Charge: Federal Law Minister, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Accountability

Reform Civil Service

Status: In progress

In charge: Advisor to PM on Institutional Reforms and Austerity

Integration of FATA with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Status: In Progress

In charge: Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Roadmap for Creation of South Punjab Province 

Status: In progress
In charge: Foreign Minister, Federal Minister for Planning and Reforms and CM Punjab
Balochistan Reconciliation Drive

Status: N/A

In charge: N/A 

Karachi Transformation Plan

Status: In progress

In charge: Governor Sindh and Chief Minister Sindh

Poverty Alleviation Strategy

Status: In progress

In charge: Federal Minister of Planning, Development and Reforms

National Job Creating Strategy

Status: In progress

In charge: Federal Finance Minister

Federal TVET/Skills Building Strategy

Status: In progress

In charge: Federal Education Minister

Transform State-Owned Enterprises

Status: In progress

In charge: Federal Finance Minister, Federal Law Minister

Pakistan’s Energy Plan

Status: In progress

In charge: Federal Minister Power

Revised CPEC Strategy

Status: N/A

In charge: N/A

Update and Expand Institutional Structure of the Foreign Office

Status: In progress

In charge: Foreign Minister

Trade Roadmap

Status: In progress

In charge: Advisor Commerce, Foreign Minister

Finalise Institutional Structure for Internal Security

Status: In progress

In charge: Minister of State Interior

Revised Action Plan on Enhancing Internal Security

Status: In progress

In charge: Minister of State Interior

6 Key Achievements Over & Above 100 Days

Austerity Drive

The Prime Minister does not reside in the symbol of opulence that is the PM House. 

The government has been auctioning luxury cars and austerity is visible in every aspect of the government’s functioning. 

In the PM house alone, nearly Rs150 million have been saved since the start of this term. 

As another example, the Communications Division auctioned vehicles worth more than Rs200 million and saved more than Rs30 million as a result of cost-cutting interventions.

Launch of Citizens Portal

To ensure that the people of Pakistan experience a direct connection to their Prime Minister, this government launched the Citizen’s Portal. This allows people to submit complaints directly to the Prime Minister’s Office has received more than 100,000 complaints and nearly 20,000 have already been resolved. 

Action against Qabza Mafia

In the first 100 days, the state has recovered more than 33,000 Kanals of land worth more than Rs100 billion from the previously “untouchable” qabza mafias. The government will use this land in a manner that will serve the people of Pakistan.

Action against Power Theft

The government has resolved that power theft will not be tolerated. Further to this, the government launched the Bijli Chori ab Nahi campaign, and successfully registered more than 6000 complaints of power theft. In the coming months, the public will observe a visible reduction in power theft, with major culprits caught.

Support for Overseas Pakistanis

Prime Minister Imran Khan has always emphasized that Overseas Pakistanis are our strength. Further to this, the government has developed the Overseas Portal to ensure that Overseas Pakistanis hoping to serve Pakistan are connected to various ministries, and their talents can be utilized as required and according to merit.

Clean Green Pakistan 

The “Clean and Green Pakistan” movement was launched in October. This campaign, in addition to tree plantation, aims to holistically address the pressing issues of solid waste management, liquid waste management, total sanitation/toilets and provision of safe drinking water for all. The provinces are being brought on board with clear targeted plans for another collaborative initiative aiming to shift behaviours and mindsets in Pakistan towards “green”.