PTI repeats call for mega public rally

| Aims to break all records with huge public participation | Urges people to attend 27th gathering at D-Chowk | Theme of public gathering is ‘Amr-bel-Maroof’

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Urging the public to attend the ruling PTI’s public gathering on 27th of March at D-Chowk in Islamabad in large numbers, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday said that he wanted all records to be broken of public attendance to fight for the soul of Pakistan.
PM Imran said, “We stand with what is right and condemn such shameless buying of politicians’ souls by political mafias to protect their looted wealth.” He also shared the logo of the political gathering on his Twitter handle. The theme of the logo is “Amr-bel-Maroof”.
PTI starts preparations for D-Chowk rally
The Sindh chapter of the PTI has started preparations to hold a public gathering at D-Chowk in Islamabad before the no-trust motion voting in the National Assembly in a bid to express solidarity with the prime minister.
The PTI’s central leadership has directed the Sindh office-bearers, MNAs and MPAs to bring workers and supporters to the public meeting and make it successful. In this regard, PTI Sindh president and federal minister Ali Zaidi on Saturday formed a 17-member team to oversee the preparations for bringing a large number of workers from the province to Islamabad to attend the “Amr-bil-Maruf” rally on March 27.
PTI Sindh secretary general Mobin Jatoi has been appointed the provincial management team convener for the mobilisation of supporters for the rally. PTI Karachi president Bilal Ghaffar, secretary-general Saifur Rehman, parliamentary secretary for human rights Lal Malhi, MNA Shakoor Shad, senior leaders Ameer Bukhsh Bhutto, Ali Palh and others are part of the 17-member committee.
Meanwhile, participants of the PTI Karachi meeting discussed the mobilisation of workers for the D-Chowk rally. PTI Karachi president Ghaffar chaired the meeting at the Insaf House. Participants said that a large number of people were excited and ready to depart for Islamabad to attend the PTI’s power show.
They said people across the country had been expressing solidarity with the PM and were eager to attend what they said “an unprecedented public gathering” at D-Chowk. On Friday, Haleem Adil Sheikh, the leader of the opposition in the Sindh Assembly, said PM Imran Khan had emerged as the leader of the Muslim Ummah as he raised at international fora the issue of Namoos-e-Risalat and played a pivotal role in the passage of a historic resolution against Islamophobia in the United Nations.
Sheikh said the PM was the leader who gave Pakistan a sovereign and independent foreign policy by saying “absolutely not” to the question of handing over airbases to a foreign power.
“The entire Muslim Ummah and the Pakistani nation acknowledge his courageous policy and salute him for his indomitable approach,” he said while addressing a press conference at the Sindh Assembly.
He claimed that the Sindh House Islamabad was being used for the ignoble cause of facilitating horse-trading and it had created across the country a negative perception of Sindh, causing embarrassment to the people of the province.
“Benazir Bhutto had sacrificed her life for the cause of democracy while her son Bilawal Zardari is brokering horse-trading in Pakistan with the slogan ‘Lotacracy is the best revenge’,” he said in a satirical tone.
Sheikh said that legal action must be taken under Article 63-1(a) of the constitution against parliamentarians who were crossing the floor. Tabling a no-confidence motion was the right of parliamentary parties but they had no right to bribe and buy members of other parties, he added.
The entire nation was witnessing that all thieves and plunderers of the national exchequer had been exposed and they had joined hands, he remarked, adding that the nation was supporting Imran Khan’s endeavours for confronting “the gang of robbers”.