Punjab CM condemns Indian anti-Muslim riots

By Bushra Makhdoom

LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Friday, strongly condemning the anti-Muslim riots in India, expressed serious concern over the spate of attacks on Muslims’ houses and Mosques.
In a statement issued here, Usman Buzdar regretted that Hindu goons have made life hell for the hapless Muslims through state-sponsored terrorism. He said that the Modi government is exhibiting worst fascism in the garb of so-called democracy and it is deplorable that RSS goons enjoy the explicit backing of the Modi government.
It’s unfortunate that Modi is fiddling while Delhi is burning, he said adding that the Modi government must realize that truth cannot be muzzled through violence and torture.
The chief minister regretted that Muslims and other minorities are not safe in India and asked the international community to exert pressure on India to stop the genocide of Muslims in Occupied Kashmir and New Delhi. The international community should wake from the deep slumber and stop the blood-stained hands of Modi government, he added.
Meanwhile, taking notice of news-items aired at media channels about the unjustified increase in the prices of protective masks as well as its shortage, Usman Buzdar sought a report from provincial administration as well as the health department and directed to ensure availability of protective masks at the actual price. Necessary steps should be taken so that it could be available to the people at its fixed price, he added.