Punjab could serve as a ‘world food basket,’ says Minister

FAISALABAD: Punjab could serve as a “world food basket” provided required investment was injected in different segments of the agriculture sector, said Syed Hussain Jahania Gardezi, Punjab Minister for Agriculture.

He was addressing the second day function of Pakistan Economic Conference (PEC) on “agriculture: value addition, technology, export opportunity and its potential in Pakistan”.

He said that this conference will have a salutary impact on the national economy as the business community of Faisalabad is now planning to switch over from textile to other segments like agriculture and IT, etc.

He said that diversification is imperative to survive in the fast changing global environment but we failed to concentrate and fulfill the fundamental requirements of this basic segment directly linked with food security.

He said that the population was only 30 million when Pakistan was created in 1947 and now it has crossed 220 million. “It is encouraging that the agriculture sector was catering to the food requirements of this population with at least 7 times increase in per acre yield”, he said and added that technological interventions could not be introduced due to the lack of finances which is the main cause of its low productivity.

He said that the green revolution of the 60s was ushered as our research was directly linked with international organizations. “This link was disrupted and the attention of our economists was diverted from agriculture to the urbanization”, he added.

He said that still this sector was getting loans at 13 percent whereas textile and other segments are enjoying speedy availability of finances at only 7 percent.

He said that the role of agriculture is around 19-20 percent and hence it must get subsidized loans proportionate to its share in GDP.

He lamented that delivery of available irrigation water at farm level is 50 percent which means that almost half of the water is wasted at different levels.

He said that we could not get the required results unless and until investment is diverted to this segment.

He appreciated the cooperation of Prime Minister Imran Khan who had directed to eliminate GST on the import of agriculture inputs.

He said that this sector is subsidized throughout the world and if this facility was not provided in Pakistan, our agriculture could not compete with its global competitors.

He proposed introduction of service providing companies in the agriculture sector who could import costly machinery and rent it out to the tillers for mechanized farming.

He said that the Punjab government has encouraged this concept by reducing taxes on it.

He also briefly touched on soil health and said that it is a major handicap in enhancing per acre yield and we must focus on it to increase agriculture production.

This session was also addressed by Prof. Dr. Iqrar Ahmad Khan Vice Chancellor University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF), Dr Aman Ullah Malik Dean Faculty of Agriculture UAF, Mr. Munir Shaheen Founder & Chairman Kashtkar Foundation Pakistan, Mr. Rehan Qadeer Founder and Chief Executive Officer of O’Mushrooms, Mr. Asif Shareef Founder of PQNK method in Pakistani Agriculture, Dr. Ehsan-ul-Haq Sayam PhD Scholar and Dr. Kainat Gohar Homeopath, Entrepreneur, Aesthetician & Designer.