Punjab Government starts work on 1000-bed field hospital in Lahore

LAHORE: Government of Punjab has started construction work of 1,000-bed field Hospital in Lahore for coronavirus patients, media reported on Sunday.

The hospitals with proper air conditioning and ventilation will complete within the next 2 weeks said the government of Punjab in an official statement on the matter.

Chief Minister Usman Buzdar on March 20 approved to establish the 1000-bed special field hospital at Lahore’s Expo Center in the fight against novel coronavirus.

The decision was taken in cabinet committee meeting chaired by CM Punjab Usman Buzdar in Lahore.

The chief minister directed authorities to start purchasing beds and other medical equipment needed to establish a field hospital at the expo centre.

On the occasion, Punjab chief minister said the government has launched telemedicine program in medical colleges. He also announced to form chief minister emergency fund.