Punjab to soon conduct 10,000 coronavirus tests a day: CM Buzdar

LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar Monday said the provincial coronavirus testing capacity has increased to 5,000 tests per day but it would be further ramped up to 10,000 tests a day soon. In a letter to the MNAs from Punjab, he said the country is facing an extraordinary health crisis. The provincial government has taken effective measures at all levels to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, he added. Underscoring the role of the lawmakers in monitoring the government’s Covid-19 response, the chief minister expressed the hope that they would spare no effort in helping the government in tackling the pandemic. Collective efforts and a joint strategy will help overcome the pandemic, he emphasised. CM Buzdar said quarantine centers, field hospitals and isolations wards have been set up for coronavirus patients. He added the government is well aware of the hardships faced by the peopled rendered jobless due to the coronavirus lockdown. He said the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan launched the biggest financial assistance programme. The chief minister pointed out that the people of the province are facing difficulties due to hoarding and overpricing and asked the lawmakers to keep in touch with the civil administration in their respective constituencies to check such illegal practices.