‘Q’ gets Punjab CM slot as Buzdar quits

| Political ‘ping-pong’ take new turn | PM appoints Pervaiz Elahi as govt candidate for new CM Punjab | Elahi accepts PM’s offer to become CM Punjab | BAP parts ways with PTI govt, joins opposition benches | Mengal says government made ‘fun of him’ over Balochistan’s issues

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: In a major breakthrough, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday appointed government’s nominee to become next chief minister Punjab and asked Usman Buzdar to step down.
While the PTI government suffered a jolt as PTI ally, Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) announced to join the opposition benches, parting ways with the ruling PTI. However, BAP’s lawmaker, Zobaida Jalal decided to remain with the ruling PTI.
In an exclusive meeting with Pervaiz Elahi at Banigala House, Prime Minister entrusted in Elahi for chief minister Punjab. Usman Buzdar submitted his resignation during the meeting, paving the way for Elahi’s election as CM Punjab.
Moreover, PM Khan also tasked Elahi to woo back the disgruntled lawmakers of the party and Elahi has promised to play his part in this regard. However, PML-Q’s cabinet member Tariq Bashir Cheema announced to join the opposition benches. PML-Q spokesman said that Chaudhry Shujaat would convince Cheema to return to the party fold.
Sources in the ruling party told that PM Khan is likely to secure support from the government’s allies in the vote of no confidence after consultations held between Khan and Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q) leader Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi.
Highly informed sources in the ruling party have told that under the new agreement, PML-Q would get the slot of Chief Minister of Punjab while the Mutahidda Qaumi Movement (MQM-P) would be given the slot of Governor Sindh while Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) would be offered cabinet slots in the federal government.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister’s special assistant Shehbaz Gill took to twitter to announce that the ruling party would support Pervaiz Elahi for the election of chief minister Punjab.
CM Punjab Usman Buzdar tenders resignation
The Chief Minister of Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has tendered his resignation on Monday after the joint Opposition submitted a no-confidence motion against him in the Punjab Assembly earlier today.
According to Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Farrukh Habib, Prime Minister Imran Khan has nominated PML-Q’s Chaudhry Pervez Elahi for the post.
“Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi meets Prime Minister Imran Khan. All issues were settled in the meeting. PML-Q expresses confidence in PM and announces support. Chief Minister Usman Bazdar tenders his resignation to PM. Prime Minister Imran Khan has decided to nominate Chaudhry Pervez Elahi as the new Chief Minister of Punjab,” Habib wrote on Twitter.
On Monday, the joint Opposition had submitted a no-confidence motion against Chief Minister Punjab Usman Buzdar in the Punjab Assembly, citing that they had been dissatisfied with his performance.
The development had come in the wake of the Opposition’s no-confidence motion and increasing pressure within the PTI to remove the incumbent chief minister.
A total of 126 lawmakers — including Rana Mashood, Ramzan Siddique, Malik Ahmed and Mian Naseer — from the Opposition parties had signed the no-confidence motion against Buzdar, said PML-N’s Rana Mashood, adding that 119 members had signed the requisition for a session.
BAP joins opposition benches
Meanwhile, four BAP lawmakers met with the opposition leaders and announced to join the opposition benches. Khalid Magsi, the parliamentary leader of the BAP, while addressing a press conference with opposition leaders Shehbaz Sharif, Asif Zardari and Maulana Fazlur Rehman, announced his party’s decision to join the opposition benches.
Zobaida Jalal did not meet the opposition benches and would stay with the PTI. Magsi said that the BAP had decided to join the opposition as Balochistan needed full attention of the center and this was the reason to join the opposition. He said it inappropriate to criticise the PTI government as his party remained an ally of the PTI for three and a half years.