Qadri urges Muslims to pray for end of coronavirus

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Sahibzada Noor-ul-Haq Qadri Sunday urged the Muslims to avoid large Shab-e-Meraj gatherings, pray at home and ask the Almighty to end the deadly coronavirus pandemic, which had killed hundreds of people across the globe.
In his Shab-e-Meraj message, the minister asked the faithful to utilise this auspicious occasion in praying Allah preferable at their homes to save mankind from this pandemic.
He said Muslims observe the Shab-e-Meraj on 27th of Rajab every year, the night when Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) embarked on a special journey to meet Allah in person. Muslim devotees offer special prayers at Mosques and homes seeking blessings of Allah for the welfare of the entire nation and the Muslim Ummah. The Muslims consider this night as a Holy one and pass the night with the prayers to gain success in the hereafter.