Qatar embassy renders aid to Tajikistan

DUSHANBE: The Embassy of the State of Qatar to the Republic of Tajikistan has provided medical aid from Qatar Charity to the Republic of Tajikistan to confront the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, media reported on Wednesday.
The delivery of aid was attended by Minister of Health and Social Protection of Tajikistan H E Jamoliddin Abdullozoda and Ambassador of the State of Qatar to Tajikistan H E Ibrahim bin Mohammed Al Abdullah.
For his part, HE Jamoliddin Abdullozoda expressed thanks and appreciation to the State of Qatar for providing humanitarian medical assistance and for its standing with the Republic of Tajikistan in these difficult times to combat the COVID-19.
He stressed the Tajik side’s readiness to continue working to strengthening friendship and brotherhood relations as well as the good relations existing between Tajikistan and the State of Qatar to serve the common interests of the two friendly peoples.
He also said that the government and people of the State of Qatar play an active role in providing assistance for those in need, the sick and victims of natural disasters around the world, with priority given to the health and safety of civil society that aims to prevent the spread of this epidemic. Meanwhile, the Turkish and Qatari branches of the Red Crescent Society have sent medical supplies to Sudan to support the country’s fight against the coronavirus.
A second cargo plane carrying medical supplies from Turkey financed by Qatar arrived early Tuesday in the country’s capital Khartoum.
Over 1.65 million COVID-19 test kits and protective medical equipment on the planes were delivered to the Sudanese Health Ministry.
The first aid plane landed in the capital Saturday.
The number of coronavirus cases in the country totals 13,437, and the death toll stands at 833, with 6,730 recoveries.
Compounding the country’s difficulties, at least 102 people have died and more than 100,000 homes have been damaged in flooding caused by heavy rainfall over several months.
Turkey has sent medical aid to roughly 150 countries to help combat the coronavirus pandemic.
Building on its 10-year reputation for providing international humanitarian aid, Turkey has become a leader in this positive form of statecraft by sending medical aid packages around the globe every other day throughout the pandemic.
The aid packages mostly include medical masks, protective overalls and gloves, as well as disinfectants.
All of the equipment sent has been produced at military-owned factories and sewing workshops that usually produce uniforms and other clothing for the Turkish military.–Agencies