Qibla-led CII delegation to visit Afghanistan

Staff report

ISLAMABAD: A Pakistani delegation led by Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) Chairman Qibla Ayaz will soon visit Afghanistan to discuss the inclusion of Islamic provisions in the Afghan constitution.
Besides holding meetings with Afghan officials and lawmakers, the Pakistani delegation will also help the neighbouring country in establishing a CII-like institution.
The Pakistani delegation will also hand over specimens of CII’s Shariah research to the Afghan officials and will brief them on which of the Islamic provisions will be helpful in the Afghan constitution.
Earlier, Dr Qibla Ayaz had said that Afghanistan government had asked for the services of the CII for establishing their own CII in Afghanistan. Dr Qibla Ayaz said the Afghan government was going to establish a CII in Afghanistan. He said due to the absence of democratic values and manners in the society Pakistan was yet to get the fruits of democracy. Dr Qibla Ayaz said in the early age of Islam there was no existence of Parliament, but overall Islam had always emphasised on democratic attitudes and behaviours.
He elaborated that Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) used to consult with Sahaba on every issue as consultation was the most important step in resolving the rifts. He said differences of opinion must not be perceived as enmity. He said that difference of opinion was the beauty of democracy.
While talking about the importance of religious scholars in the society Dr Qibla Ayaz said that religious scholars had a very important role of spreading awareness among the masses regarding peace in the world. He lamented that young generation of Pakistan had no knowledge about history due to the absence of proper history in Madaris and schools.