Quality literature for kids stressed

By Hina Kiyani

ISLAMABAD: Three-day international conference titled “Children’s Literature: Past, Present and Future” continued for the second cosecutive day with a number of literary experts deliberating over the ways to produce quality children literature.
The conference being organized by the Pakistan Academy of Letters (PAL) in collaboration with Daira Illm-o-Adab Pakistan hold discussions on various topics including children’s literature in Pakistani languages, digital era and children literature, children’s interests and future possibilities.
The other session also included children’s literature in 21st century, children literature: culture and patriotism, role of literature in character building of children and role of magazines in promotion of children literature. The conference was inaugurated by Adviser to the Prime Minister for Political and Public Affairs and National Heritage and Culture, Engr Amir Muqam who announced special awards for scholars working on children literature.
Engr Amir Muqam also announced that this conference would be organized annually and urged the writers to submit their proposals for bringing further improvement in the promotion of the country’s literature. Senator Irfan Siddiqui and Federal Secretary, Shoaib Ahmad Siddiqui shared the memories of their childhood in a session titled “Meri bachpan beti”.
The conference also included a Mushaira which was presided by noted poet and drama writer Amjad Islam Amjad while renowned poets from across the country present their poetry related to children. Earlier on the first day of the festival, a wide range of literary activities covering various features were held which included story-telling, story writing and a session on the importance of books. Secretary National Heritage and Culture Fareena Mazhar, Chairman Pakistan Academy of Letters Dr. Yousuf Khushk, Eminent scholars Amjad Islam Amjad and Mahmood Sham also spoke during the conference and shared with children their interesting life experiences.

A total of 11 sessions on different aspects of children’s literature are being held during the three-day conference.